We are thinkers, and we are craftsmen

At TheIncLab, we're passionate about creating a new breed of intelligent experiences with impact. We are an award-winning multidisciplinary team of engineers, producers, software developers and UX/UI designers that help organizations innovate and deliver interactive intelligent interfaces.

Creative Innovation Matrix

We design, engineer, and build intelligent interfaces

Along with our strategic partners, we have 20+ in-house capabilities. Our core capabilities include advanced 3D design. emerging application engineering and interactive software and technology integration.

Interactive Rapid Prototyping

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We are a team with talent, skills, and expertise

We specialize on Human Centered Interactive Innovation. We use User Centered Design techniques for fast prototyping and experiential testing. Our team's broad set of disciplines allows us to deliver unique solutions to even the toughest challenges. Our Innovation Matrix process helps organizations innovate, engage with their customers and unlock possibilities.